Do you know African geography?
Drag country names to the map
to find out!

Stream health!
Practice identifying common
stream macroinvertebrates and
calculate the virtual stream's
biotic index.

Carbon offsets!
Practice the math used to
solve an AP environmental
science FRQ about
carbon offsets

Electric cars!
Practice the math used to solve
an AP environmental scienc
FRQ about electric cars

Rock Cycle!
Challenge yourself to diagram
the movement of earth material
from one form to another
over geologic time.

Moon phases!
Test your knowledge of the
Moon's phases using this
card game

Practice the math used to solve
an AP environmental science
FRQ about coal energy

Practice the math used to solve
an AP environmental science
FRQ about methane gas
from waste

Bird maps!
Check the most recent birds
submitted to eBird database
using this map based tool

Practice identyfing trees by
their leaves and calculate the
virtual forest's index of

Wind energy!
Practice the math used to solv
an AP environmental scienc
FRQ about wind electricity

NYC geology!
Take a tour through the
deep history of
New York City's geology